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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Healing, Feeling and Release

It’s eclipse season and the first eclipse will be a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse in Pisces on Sept 17 or 18, depending on where you are.

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The eclipse will be at 25 Pisces. It’s on Tuesday if you’re in the US and Canada. If you’re in the UK, Europe or Australia, you’ll feel the fullness of the eclipse on Wednesday the 18th. 

Water, Emotions and a Flood of Feeling

This is a super emotional eclipse – it’s in a water sign, Pisces and it’s very close to Neptune.

The Moon is coming off an interaction with Saturn and Jupiter as it heads into the eclipse, so some of those major restructuring themes from August might be up for you now as well. If so, take some time to imagine your dream life – even if making it happen might be some time off. 

Technically the Moon is between aspects with Jupiter and Neptune as it forms the eclipse. This can create an incredibly expansive, big and boundless quality – no limits, to restraints and no boundaries. You might be overwhelmed or find you can’t handle as much as you normally can.

Shadows, Darkness and Feeling Your Way

Remember that the Moon temporarily has no light at the eclipse, so this is less about what you know and more about what you sense or feel.

In Pisces we are far from the realm of fact and detail. Instead you might find yourself immersed in a flood of feeling. You might reminisce about the past, you might fantasize about the future. You might be day dreaming or imagining.

You might also be late or forgetful or need extra rest and a slower pace. This is not a productive or action oriented eclipse. Instead, rest and recuperation may be needed.

Jupiter in Gemini and the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

The ruler of the eclipse is Jupiter, who is in Gemini at the time of the eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini is super curious but also has a scattered or unfocussed quality. You might feel this frazzled vibe or you might find you’re juggling many things at once. You might have a million ideas but realise that your body can’t keep up with how fast your mind is going!

There is a lot of mutable energy around this eclipse – it’s in Pisces and ruled by a planet in Gemini. 

Mutable signs like movement and change. They are up for anything and happy to change course mid stream. You might take a detour or side path that proves nourishing or healing now, even if it takes you away from whatever your main priority might be. 

Release and making peace with the past may be important as you move through a lot of feelings during the eclipse. 

Jupiter is in the fourth position relative to the eclipse in Pisces, which can activate fourth house themes like housing and home, family and family history. 

New Cycle of Eclipses Begins in Pisces

This is the first eclipse in Pisces, so as part of this lunar eclipse we are also starting a new eclipse cycle. 

Eclipses in Aries and Libra are coming to an end.

In early October there will be the last eclipse in Libra for that cycle, which brings to an end a series of eclipses in Libra that started a year ago, in October 2023.

As we head into 2025, there will be a last eclipse in Aries in March, which ends a series of eclipses in Aries that began in April of 2023.

So this eclipse in Pisces ushers in a new pattern. We will continue to have eclipses in Pisces off and on until August 2026. As we head into 2025 eclipses will also start to occur in Virgo – but that’s a conversation for next year!

One technical point that might be worth noting is that the eclipses loosely follow the path of the transiting nodes. Currently the nodes are moving through Aries and Libra. In January 2025, the nodes will move into Pisces and Virgo, so the shifts of the eclipses will follow.

Working with the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Eclipses are always about pattern breaking. They can be unsettled periods where routines and rituals are upended. You may want to break away from what has felt familiar. You might have to adapt to changing circumstances, even when you’d like things to stay the same. Under this big and full of feeling lunar eclipse in Pisces, taking time to be with your feelings may be the most insightful and healing thing you can do.

As the light of the Moon is temporarily blocked, you might intuit insights you hadn’t been aware of.  Quiet reflection, a slower pace and experiences that support healing and feeling might be needed this week.

Sending you all so much love and support for this emotional lunar eclipse week!

If you’re ready to deepen your understanding of astrology, I hope to see you in class – sign up before September 15 to save with a special bundle offer!

Let me know how this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is showing up for you in the comments below.


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