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Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces: Twists and Turning Points / Adventure vs Safety

One of the main aspects of 2024 has begun, what will be an ongoing square from Jupiter to Saturn.

Jupiter will form three exact squares to Saturn, from August 2024 – June 2025.

The first two squares will form from Jupiter in Gemini to Saturn in Pisces. The third and final square will form from Jupiter in Cancer to Saturn in Aries.

Here are the dates and degrees of each upcoming Jupiter square Saturn aspect:

  • Jupiter at 17 Gemini square Saturn at 17 Pisces, August 19, 2024
  • Jupiter 14 Gemini square Saturn at 14 Pisces, December 24, 2024
  • Jupiter at 1 Cancer square Saturn at 1 Aries, June 15, 2025

(Since these are aspects forming between slower moving planets, you can add a week before and after these dates for things to be in peak expression.)

Before I touch on how to work with the Jupiter square Saturn aspect, I wanted to explore this aspect and where it sits in a longer cycle.

Seeds Planted in December 2020 Start to Emerge

This is the opening square from Jupiter to Saturn. It is the first major pressure point in a cycle that began in December 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn came together at 0 Aquarius.

While there’s lots to dive into in terms of Jupiter square Saturn, and what it might mean for right now, it’ll be helpful to understand that the pushing, adjusting energy of this current square, August 2024 – June 2025, has a connection to December 2020.

While the Zodiac signs are different from December 2020 to mid-2024 – mid 2025, the Jupiter square Saturn aspect brings you – and all of us collectively – to a critical turning point on a cycle that began at the end of 2020.

As you contemplate adjustments and what to explore or step away from now, you may be guided by experiences, choices and priorities that first emerged for you in late 2020 and early 2021.

Jupiter, Saturn and Twenty-Year Cycles

Together, Jupiter and Saturn mark out twenty year cycles. These twenty year cycles speak to periods of growth and contraction within society. Each twenty year cycle emphasizes an element, via the sign the originating conjunction falls in.

The December 2020 conjunction, in air sign Aquarius, was especially important – known as a Grand Conjunction – as it began a new 150+ year pattern where each Jupiter conjunct Saturn aspect will occur in one or another of the air signs.

We are living in a time that is saturated by air sign energy – the rapid increase in the use of technology, the digitization of data and many aspects of modern life, the increased movement and spread of people around the globe, the ongoing changes to, and dispersion of, centers of power and structures of governance.

Jupiter and Saturn describe the kind of society we live in and can speak to how we want to engage with the society, culture and organisations around us.

So when I think about Jupiter square Saturn and how this might influence August, I’m keeping all of these ideas – and more – in mind.

Opening Waxing Square: Pushing, Dreaming, Wishing, Striving

This Jupiter square Saturn aspect is the opening square, similar to the first quarter or waxing Moon phase.

It can bring an undercurrent of pushing, striving and dreaming about more, about better, about greener pastures that might be just around the corner.

Part of the inner tension you might be experiencing is about just this – do I jump now, or build my reserves and supplies a bit longer and launch next year or the year after?

Your ideas about what that more, better experience might be could look the same – or different – from mine. The key here is to tune into your ideas about this, and then adjust the path of your life accordingly.

This might mean you want to align your efforts with a larger social or political movement. It might mean that you’re intensely focused on your own little corner of the world and exploring how to make it more meaningful, interesting and safe.

It’s your life and the adventures ahead are up to you to choose. (Making a choice is a huge part of how square aspects express!)

Working With Jupiter in Gemini vs Saturn in Pisces

This brings us to the crux of Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces – how can I balance my ideas for adventure, discovery and growth with my craving for safety, protection and security?

Saturn in Pisces has depth and is quiet, cautious and thoughtful. It can also worry about the future, about aging, about long-term security and health, as well as financial prospects. Where will I be most safe? What choices will help me protect my situation, my resources, my people?

Jupiter in Gemini is adventurous and mobile and full to the brim with possibilities. It’s willing to ask questions and happy to not have all the answers. What new experiences will help me grow? Where or how can I find more meaning or satisfaction in my life? What option will be the most fun and exciting?

Saturn in Pisces – a cold, dry planet in a cold, wet sign – is heavy and slow, like a rock dropped into a pond, sinking down.

Jupiter in Gemini – a hot, wet planet in a hot, wet sign – is light, sticky and hard to pin down, like vapours you try to catch.

Questions, Conundrums and So Many Options

These differing qualities can help describe some of the conundrums you might be facing.

Are you craving security, stability, a quiet sanctuary or stillness? You may be more tuned into Saturn in Pisces.

Are you restless, bored, seeking new possibilities and willing to move or make a big change? You may be more infused with the spirit of Jupiter in Gemini.

The thing is, neither planet’s desire acts in isolation now. Your craving for something solid, reliable and safe may be at odds with a dream for excitement, growth, intellectual pursuits and connection.

Working with a Square Aspect

In a square aspect, adjustments must be made, but neither option can be ignored or neglected. Parts of each planet’s essence will need to make their way forward.

These needs – for movement and to connect through the exchange of ideas vs the craving for a solid, protected space to be still and heal or feel – are specific to the current placements of Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces.

These exact themes will repeat and become active again in December, when Jupiter in Gemini will form the second square to Saturn in Pisces.

Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries in 2025

In June 2025, some of the specifics will be different. Then, Jupiter will be in Cancer and Saturn will be in Aries.

The underlying principles – of how to pursue growth, expansion and new opportunities vs how to protect yourself and preserve stability and security – remain the same, but the tone of each option will be different.

In June 2025, Jupiter, a hot, wet planet will be in a cold wet water sign and Saturn, a cold dry planet will be in a hot, dry fire sign.

Jupiter in Cancer will be slower, but more nourishing and fertile than Jupiter in Gemini; Saturn in Aries will be quicker but more reactive and less stable than Saturn in Pisces.

Longer Trends, Life Goals: Your Five Year Plan

There are a LOT of details and specifics to take in here.

Jupiter and Saturn speak to longer trends and timelines – after all, Saturn and Jupiter are the original outer planets.

As you’re reflecting on some of the tensions and choices you’re navigating now, it might be helpful to know that Jupiter will oppose Saturn from December 2029 – November 2030.

The choices you make now – whether to prioritize safety and build security, or to pursue adventure and growth experiences – may become the guiding principles for your life for the next five – six years.

Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces in Your Chart

You might find it helpful to consider the topics of the Gemini and Pisces houses in your personal chart. These are two sets of topics and themes that are in negotiation at the moment, as you try to make adjustments in one area so that you can build or expand in another area.

Three Superior Planets: Mars in the Mix

And there’s Mars….

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the three superior planets. Ancient astrologers considered their movements, patterns and aspects to be important.

Patterns involving all three superior planets were especially significant, foretelling important periods where loyalties shifted, leadership would change, and collective trends might evolve.

Mars in Gemini Adds Speed

It’s the involvement of Mars now, in August 2024, that makes this particular Jupiter square Saturn aspect so potent.

Mars is in Gemini from July 20 – September 4 and will interact by degree with Jupiter and Saturn from August 13 – 17. Even though this middle part of August is extra and might feel like its too much, the whole time Mars is in Gemini the cosmic pressure will be high.

Mars brings heat and an active quality that insists on a decision or choice, even if you feel you aren’t ready or fully informed yet.

There’s a decisive, bold quality to Mars that might bring you to a reckoning. A reckoning or a realization of what’s right for you – and of what’s not for you.

Mars and Jupiter in Gemini: The Quick Spread of All Kinds of Things

And yes, Mars in Gemini with Jupiter is also completely hyper and overstimulating. Mars fans the flames of an already scattered Jupiter in Gemini and you might have days where you feel frenetic, unsettled, frantic or even chaotic.

Collectively, new ideas or misinformation and lies can spread quickly, as can disease under this complicated Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini aspect. This is an aspect of things spreading and catching on, with no quality control or discernment.

The extreme influence of Mars is not a good match for the unsettled tone of Jupiter in Gemini. That said, this will be the most trying aspect for Jupiter in Gemini.

The Potency of August 2024

When Jupiter and Saturn re-form their square in December 2024, Mars will be in Leo, doing its own retrograde thing and not so interested in what Jupiter and Saturn are working towards.

When Jupiter and Saturn come together for their final square, in new signs in June 2025, Mars will back in Leo, again doing its own thing.

Taking all this into consideration, August 2024 will stand out as being pivotal – collectively and personally.

The shifts, adjustments, beginnings and endings you navigate this month are part of a longer process where you’re shifting your emphasis towards what’s next for you and moving away from what has been.

Often, it’s in hindsight that it’s easier to track these changes.

Managing What Irritates You: Creating Your Pearl

Day to day, it’s a matter of working through what frustrates you and moving towards what expands you. It’s also about connecting with courage to help you choose for yourself and explore the passions that light you up.

When I asked on Instagram recently how people were experiencing these aspects, here’s what people had to say:

  • “So much to do but super tired”
  • “I’m trying to juggle so hard but come across so many boundaries”
  • “Reaching my limits for sure! Last few weeks of a BEd and feeling it”
  • “I’m trying to juggle all the things! But need to set limits”
  • “Feeling limits big time but also seeing them with new awareness”
  • “Definitely limit setting this week! It’s a new experience!”
  • “Slowing down and resting between inspired actions”

I know it’s wild out there right now, especially if your chart is heavy on the mutable signs. If you have Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces strong in your chart – maybe one of these signs is your ascendant, or you have your Sun, Moon, sect light or your ascendant ruling planet there, you may be especially attuned to and influenced by these patterns.

Remembering the value of grit and pressure in forming beauty called to mind how an irritant is needed before an oyster can create a pearl. And how intense pressure deep inside the earth leads to the formation of precious stones like a diamond.

Skies like these can feel like that pressure or that irritant entering the mix. If nature can create beauty from such circumstances, my wish is that you too are able to forge something beautiful for yourself and your life during these extreme times.  

What decisions are you contemplating?


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