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Looking ahead to Uranus in Gemini: 2025 – 2033

Mid 2025 will bring a number of important shifts, as major planets like Saturn, Neptune and Uranus begin to change signs.

Today, I’d like to share a little about Uranus in Gemini. We’ll take a look at past cycles of the transit of Uranus in Gemini, and I’ll share tips on how to work with this transit in your own chart.

Uranus will move into Gemini on July 7, 2025. On November 8, 2025 Uranus will bolt back into Taurus for one last pass. On April 26, 2026, Uranus will settle into Gemini, where it will stay for six years, until it begins to move out of Gemini and into Cancer from August 2032.

As both Neptune and Uranus will change signs in 2025/2026, the second half of this decade will look and feel quite differently to the first half.

Mercury and Gemini Topics in Flux

In Gemini, Uranus will bring disruptive and inventive energy forward around many Mercurial topics, like education, matters relating to children and of course to all kinds of technological devices and communication patterns.

Mercury is also involved in business and trade, which are two other areas likely to undergo huge transitions during this time.

Uranus in a Mercury ruled sign has the air of the innovator and inventor, and will likely bring new technologies, especially about transport, travel and all kinds of commercial matters.

Gemini is a humane sign, and like all air signs, represents humanity. A big transit through the sign of Gemini will show change for the collective.

Uranus in Gemini will likely be a period of flux, where systems and social structures move through periods of chaos as they try to keep up with the rapidly changing nature of society and the needs of modern humans. Borders and boundaries will shift as people migrate and move and the way we live evolves.

Like all mutable signs, Gemini is known for its changeable nature – being interested in many things, and constantly wanting to flit from one thing to another. Add in the boundary pushing qualities of Uranus and this combination, of Uranus in Gemini, will likely be a busy, bustling time where ideas about rebellion and revolution – about how to do things differently and why we should – will catch on quickly and spread far and wide.

As Uranus tours Gemini from 2025 – 2033, there’ll be a strong restless quality about. Ideas about how to live, what’s important and the way we should collaborate and organize ourselves as groups will shift.

And yes, it may well be tumultuous as alliances will shift. Emerging desires for freedom might push against the established systems or responsibilities.

Uranus in Gemini in History

Here is a quick overview of the dates when Uranus was in Gemini during the past 1,000 years.

1941 – 1948
1858 – 1866
1774 – 1782
1690 – 1698
1606 – 1614
1523 – 1530
1439 – 1447
1355 – 1363
1271 – 1279
1188 – 1195
1104 – 1112
1020 – 1028

If you’re a history buff, you might enjoy doing your own research with these dates in hand.

For each period mentioned, I’ve included the years from the first ingress of Uranus into Gemini, until Uranus leaves Gemini for the last time. The start and end of each period generally includes a time where Uranus is retrograding in and out of either Taurus (the start) or Cancer (the end).

To give a quick, recent example of the changes with borders and boundaries, note how the borders of countries changed through Europe following World War 2.

Uranus in Gemini and the USA

Gemini is an important sign for the USA. The US Sibly chart has Sagittarius rising, which places Gemini in a prominent, angular position on the Descendant.

The two most recent transits of Uranus in Gemini include the US involvement in World War 2 (1941 – 1945) and the US Civil Aar (1861 – 1865).

The transit of Uranus through Gemini from 1774 – 1782, includes the American Revolutionary War. This means the US birth chart includes Uranus in Gemini too, quite close to the descendant degree.

Considering some of these past events, you might imagine the upcoming transit of Uranus in Gemini will be a time of radical change and upheaval, in society and around how we arrange ourselves as groups, communities and nations of people.

The longer air epoch cycle, which began with the Jupiter conjunct Saturn aspect in 2020, is already known to be a period in history of changing power dynamics, shifting allegiances, and the dispersal of established power and financial centres.

This ‘in flux’ quality of the air epoch which become even stronger, as increases around movement and change will be likely during the eight years of Uranus in Gemini. For more on this air epoch shift, check out my past keynote from NORWAC 2019.

Working with Uranus in Gemini

You might now be wondering how this might influence you?

For most of you reading, this will be the first time you have experienced the transit of Uranus in Gemini. However, you will have experienced past transits of Uranus through a mutable sign, and these are the time frames that may be helpful to review, as you strive to prepare for this upcoming transit.

Uranus in Pisces: Dec 30, 2003 – May 27, 2010, and Aug 13, 2010 – Mar 11, 2011

Uranus in Sagittarius: Feb 17, 1981 – Mar 20, 1981, Nov 16, 1981 – Feb 14, 1988, and May 26 1988 – Dec 2 1988

The most recent transit of Uranus through a mutable sign was Uranus in Pisces, from 2003 – 2011.

Mutable Signs and Uranus in Gemini

While Uranus moving into Gemini will shift things collectively, it will most likely be important for you personally if you have significant chart placements in one of the four mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

For instance, if your Ascendant or MC is in one of these signs or if your Sun, Moon or ascendant ruling planet is in a mutable sign, you will get a strong dose of Uranus energy by transit during this upcoming Uranus in Gemini cycle.

If, during the period that Uranus will transit Gemini, from 2025 – 2033, you will profect into your Gemini house, then this transit may become especially influential for you during that year.

Four Tips on How to Work with Uranus by Transit

Many of you who have planets in one of the four fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius – are likely experts on working with Uranus by now, since you have been experiencing the transit of Uranus in Taurus most intensely. Uranus has been in Taurus May 2018. If that’s you, feel free to drop your tips on making the most of a Uranus transit in the comments below.

Having been through my fair share of Uranus transits and having had a front row seat to hundreds of clients experiences with Uranus transits, here’s what I would suggest.

Pay Attention to the Restlessness

One of the earliest signs that Uranus might be influencing you is a growing sense of restlessness. Like a persistent wondering, or questioning, about what you want, along with a curiosity about how living differently might be more interesting or exciting.

As a Uranus transit unfolds, its common to feel bored with the the way things are – whether that’s at work, in a relationship, where you’re living, with family or around so many other topics.

That sense of boredom, that restlessness with what has previously felt comfortable or safe, is a clue that you are ready for something new. You might not know what that something new or different might be yet, but it’s time to start exploring your options.

Get Comfortable with Doing things Differently

A piece of advice I heard years ago that I still share with clients – and remind myself of – is to choose to turn life upside down a bit. Change your regular routine by choosing a different route to work or to walk. Eat breakfast for dinner, work at odd hours, carry your purse over a different shoulder, wear your watch on the opposite wrist, that kind of thing.

Basically, you start shifting the pieces of your day or week around, or changing your regular habits, so that you are no longer following an established pattern kind of unconsciously.

These song lyrics ‘from little things big things grow’ are a reminder that as you start to get comfortable with small changes and differences, you’ll become more open to bigger shifts. You’ll also see your everyday environment through new eyes, noticing things you never spotted before.

In turn, this will help spark new thoughts and ideas – which is ultimately what a transit from Uranus in Gemini is all about – helping you ask new questions that will  lead you in a new, more exciting and interesting direction.

Embrace Your True Self

Uranus is about freedom. During a Uranus transit you may learn more about your core, authentic self, and you may crave the space and freedom to be true to yourself in more and more areas of your life.

Since Uranus isn’t interested in fitting in, social approval or doing what is safe and predictable, one gift of a Uranus transit is that you can embrace who you are.

This might mean you speak up about your genuine interests or desires. You might surprise those around you – that’s always a sign you’re on the authentic path during a Uranus transit. Figuring out the ways in which you have adapted, held back or modified your individuality to fit in – and then giving yourself permission to break those habits – can be an integral part of working with a Uranus transit.

Get Curious about Your Own Mini Rebellion

In the end Uranus wants to breathe new life and energy into an area of your life that has become boring, stagnant or perhaps too safe and familiar. If you could wave a wand and change something huge in your life, what would it be? What would things look like?

You don’t have to know how things would change or come together; all you have to do is tune into what you want to change. Don’t be too attached to what things like afterwards; instead focus on what you don’t like that you wish were different, what you wish were so but is currently missing. And most of all, tune into the kinds of feelings you want to experience and the ideas you want to explore.

Anything is possible under a wild transit from Uranus, and while you may still be surprised at the specifics, it’s a great time to identify the things you want to change. Be open to the ideas you have about making choices that might set you apart from others. Honouring yourself will often mean standing out – if you’re willing, Uranus is on hand to help you create change that leads to new freedom as you conduct a mini uprising to reshape your life around your authentic essence.

Preparing with Jupiter in Gemini

Before Uranus moves into Gemini, you have Jupiter in Gemini to help call your attention to the hopes, dreams and grand adventures you hold inside about the Gemini part of your chart.

Adopting an expansive attitude to the topics and experiences of your Gemini house can help you open up to even more exciting and fast paced changes from mid-2025 and beyond.

Where will Uranus in Gemini stir your chart? What was the past period of Uranus in Pisces like for you?


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