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Marana Karaka Stana And Past Life Tests By Sunil John

Article by Sunil John

Marana Karaka Stana of  Mahatma Gandhi & K N Rao – Sun 12H in Marana Karaka Stana Musings

Often I have seen astrologers only give negative events to Marana Karaka stana of planets. But events are nothing but lessons that we need to learn and if not learnt that same pattern of planets keep on repeating in life time after lifetime until it becomes almost super difficult to master. The real way to use Marana Karaka Stana I had seen only one astrologer do it till date, a part of its secret I have shared it in few videos on youtube but camaflouged it as later it will be passed on as Parampara knowledge or someone will suddenly crop up saying its Bhrighu Rishi Parampara of his ancestors, which incidentally does not exist till those students are with me but as soon they branch out on their own they come up with Parampara word which is like becoming a Sex Siren in astrology to attract young kids.

Jataka Parijata Chapter 17 Shloka 34-36

Over a period of time this shloka has gained reverence among the modern astrologers with many calling it Parampara. Adding few additional parameters which any seasoned astrologer can do one can always say Rishi came in dream and told me or Parampara Secret

Yet can we revisit this shloka here and see how each one of you implements this in real practice

Jataka Parijata Chapter 17 Shloka 34-36

34-36. Jupiter in the 3rd house, Mars in the 7th, Saturn in the natal star, Rahu in the 9th house, the Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 12th, Mercury in the 7th and Venus in an inimical house are each of them (Maranastthana) or death occasioners.  When the planet which is thus termed (Maranastthana) is in conjunction with a malefic planet or aspected by one such or occupies an inimical or depression house or is destitute of strength, the person concerned comes to grief.


  • Venus is given 7th house or does it mean Venus in 7th but it should be in an inimical house. Can anyone clarify
  • Later part of the shloka mentions additional parameter for it to be marana karaka that is conjunction aspect of malefic or enemy house or weak house or devoid of strength

Case 1: Mahatma Gandhi

Marana Karaka Stana and Past Life Tests 1

One needs to consider the case of Mahatma Gandhi who had Sun in 12th house making it foreign Govt. One can say he mastered the energy of this marana karaka without any remedy or mantras and without hating the Britishers. Maybe he used the most powerful mantra of Shri Ram as Shri Ram was SuryaVanshi, (Rama belongs to the ‘Ikshvaku dynasty’ founded by King ‘Ikshvaku’ the son of Lord Surya, which is why Ramchandra is called ‘Suryavanshi’). One may note that he used to repeat the mantra   the mantra, Rama, Rama, Rama

For a period of time after this discovery, Gandhi walked many miles each day, repeating the mantra to himself until it began to coordinate itself with the movement of his body and breath. The practice not only calmed him but brought him into periods of bliss and rapture—and, as he said, “opened the doorway to God.” Rama, Rama, Rama. Eventually, the mantra developed a life of its own within him. The mantra began to chant itself, arising spontaneously whenever he needed it. “The mantra becomes one’s staff of life,” he wrote, “and carries one through every ordeal…Each repetition…has a new meaning, each repetition carries you nearer and nearer to God.”

One May Note that his Sun is in 12H house with Gulika Mandi (some take same some different) and Sun will swallow the poison of Gulika . Sun is Ego and he had to swallow the poision of his ego only then he could defeat Gulika Mandi in 12H

Note any planet in 12H shows the pending karma from previous life. His pending karma was Govt (Sun) in Virgo (struggles fights – natural 6H)

Case 2: K  N Rao

Marana Karaka Stana and Past Life Tests 2

Here Sun is in Marana Karaka Stana, with Mer and Ketu, he popularised chanting of Vishnu Sahasranam (Mer Ketu Sun) among his jyotish students and at the same time with Sun in 12H of marana karaka stana, he was forced to fight legal batel against banning of astrology in the Supreme Court as other Jyotishis were more busy making money or reading charts of corrupt politicians or too busy promoting jyotish knowledge abroad. On his website this is written thus

“Surprisingly, not a single English knowing and speaking astrologers in these two citadels (Madras and Andhra courts) of Hindu orthodoxy even decided to appear as petitioner in person. That speaks volumes for their “love and pride” in the great ancient Hindu astrology.

Recovering slowly from his sickness, not yet fit to sit for long hours in a court of law, Rao appealed to astrologers of Delhi and of other centres to appear in person and defend the cause and case of astrology in the Supreme Court. At least twenty of them promised to do so but not one of them came anywhere near the Supreme Court even to hear proceedings of the case when it was being heard for admission ! Later, when it was heard on merits on 4 November 2004, to his consternation, Rao found that he was the only petitioner in person to defend it  and praying to God to give him stamina to defend the case, he not merely defended the case but even won demolishing all the arguments of the famous lawyer, Shanti Bhushan.

My take is expecting astrologers of especially major cities like Mumbai, Delhi etc to defend astrology is expecting God to come down daily on Earth in real form and give darshan.

Anyways here we can see he fought in a legal court room (Saturn aspects Sun Mer Ketu in 12H) and won and thus mastered his karma of Marana Karaka Stana of Sun to a “certain extent” as one planet does not necessarily give us only one test to cross in life.

More thoughts need to be put to the usage of Marana Karaka Stana

Eg when Lagna Lord or AK (Atmakara) has Sun in 12th from it or AL (Arudha Lagna) in 12th from it, one can be a billionaire but will cry and go in depression after fathers death, like in the case of Sanjay Dutta the Bollywood actor who could never say I Love You to his father from his heart.


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