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New Moon in Virgo, Earth Element Energy and Saturn in Pisces

The New Moon will arrive at 11 Virgo on Monday September 2, or Tuesday September 3, depending on where you are.

Practical Matters thanks to Saturn Opposite the New Moon

The New Moon in Virgo will oppose Saturn in Pisces.

The Earth Element and Saturn

This combination will emphasize the earth element for two reasons. One, the New Moon itself is in an earth sign. Two, the involvement of Saturn, which is a planet that represents earth themes and the earth qualities of cold and dry, always brings lots of earth symbolism.

With these strong earth element themes you might choose a practical or grounded approach. You might be dedicated to an organizing project, or find you want to clarify a long-term plan.

Virgo’s interest in details, analysis and efficiency suggest this New Moon can be helpful for sorting out a confusing situation or finding a solution to a current conundrum. You might uncover new information or get clear on where to set a limit.

Containment and restraint will be highlighted, and this New Moon plus Saturn combination can help you identify important priorities.

Once you know what’s essential, you’ll know what changes to make and where to pull back your energy. With Saturn in the mix, the New Moon might point towards a necessary ending or a difficult decision.

It might not be fun or feel good but being firm about what you can and can’t do will help support your ongoing success.

Sun opposite Saturn: Reality and Readjustment

While the New Moon is opposite Saturn, the exact opposition aspect from the Sun to Saturn will peak on Sunday September 8.

Many of these Saturn themes – about responsibility, priorities, long term plans and being realistic about timelines and expectations – will continue until after September 8.

I’m thinking about this first week of September as being especially earth influenced and full of all kinds of Saturn themes.

I’m imagining grounding and practical planning, as well as some re-setting of boundaries as I get clearer on what’s truly possible – and what’s not going to work out.

If you need more on how to work with a Saturn transit, you’ll love this Saturn transits webinar.

I talk about all this – and more – in this week’s Kelly’s Astrology Podcast episode.

Mercury in Leo Points to the Future

The ruler of this New Moon, Mercury, is in Leo. Mercury recently stationed direct, which suggest that Mercury is looking to the future and ready to move forward.

You too might find this New Moon provides the initiative to help you move on from a past situation or refocus on the future.

Mercury’s place in Leo puts it in the 12th house position relative to the New Moon. You might clarify a fear or reconnect with your faith. In either instance, you may uncover a way around a barrier that has held you back in the past.

Innovative ideas or an unexpected but exciting twist might emerge in the days after the New Moon, as Mercury moves into its third and final square aspect with Uranus in Taurus.

You might hear of exciting changes and new plans as those around you give familiar routines a shakeup. You too might explore an out of the ordinary opportunity.

Mercury’s influence on the New Moon, and its aspect with Uranus, promise the chance to break away from a boring or stagnant situation.

If you want life to become more exciting or you’re ready to go after an authentic but unexpected option, this will be a great week to do so.

What will the New Moon in Virgo activate for you?


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