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The Most Important Astrological Events for September 2024

Hello, stargazers and celestial divas! September 2024 is not just another month; it’s a cosmic rollercoaster packed with astrological events that will make your head spin—in the best way possible. If you’ve been wondering what the universe has in store, grab your telescopes and horoscopes because this is your sassy, no-holds-barred guide to the most important astrological happenings of the month. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!

astrological aspects september 2024

Pluto’s Last Hurrah in Capricorn (September 1)

Let’s kick off the month with a bang, shall we? On September 1, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and sometimes destruction, retrogrades back into Capricorn for one final act before it leaves this sign for good. Pluto’s been shaking up Capricorn since 2008, tearing down outdated structures like a wrecking ball on a sugar high. This is the last chance to rebuild before Pluto heads back into Aquarius in November. So, if your foundation has been shaky, get ready for one last cosmic renovation project.


  • Final Transformation: Last chance to complete deep changes started in 2008
  • Reassess Stability: Reevaluate and reinforce foundational structures
  • Cycle Closure: Wrap up lingering issues before Pluto shifts to Aquarius
  • Capricorn Focus: Expect shifts in career, authority, and long-term goals

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Starting September 1)

As if Pluto’s antics weren’t enough, Uranus, the planet of rebellion and change, goes retrograde in Taurus on the very same day. Expect sudden shifts in areas tied to your stability—think finances, personal values, and even your living situation. Uranus loves to keep us on our toes, so don’t get too comfy just yet. Embrace the unexpected, or it will embrace you—tightly.


  • Slowdown of Changes: Expect a deceleration in sudden shifts, particularly in areas related to finances, values, and personal stability
  • Reevaluation Time: This retrograde offers a chance to reassess recent changes and consider how to adapt to them more sustainably
  • Focus on Stability: There may be a need to revisit and stabilize your approach to long-term security, including money and home life
  • Unexpected Developments: Be prepared for surprises, but with a more introspective and reflective tone rather than immediate action?

New Moon in Virgo (September 2-3)

Feeling the urge to declutter, organize, or finally start that health kick? Thank the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd. This lunation is all about precision and practicality. It’s the perfect time to plant seeds for self-improvement projects. Whether it’s a new diet, workout routine, or simply reorganizing your life, Virgo’s earthy energy will help you manifest your intentions with meticulous care.


  • Fresh Start: Perfect time to set new intentions, particularly around health, work, and daily routines
  • Focus on Organization: Ideal for decluttering, planning, and bringing order to your life
  • Health & Wellness: A great opportunity to begin new health routines or refine your diet and exercise plans
  • Attention to Detail: Virgo’s energy helps you tackle tasks with precision and care, making this a productive time

Mars in Cancer (September 4 – November 3)

Mars, the planet of action and drive, moves into sensitive Cancer on September 4. While Mars is usually all about aggression and fiery energy, in Cancer, it’s more like a slow burn. Focus shifts to home, family, and emotional security. This transit could spark deep conversations or push you to take action in your personal life. Whether it’s buying a house, mending family ties, or starting a new chapter at home, Mars in Cancer wants you to get cozy with your feelings


  • Emotional Drive: Mars in Cancer directs energy towards emotional and domestic matters, making you more focused on home, family, and personal security
  • Protective Instincts: Expect heightened protective instincts and a strong desire to nurture loved ones. This period can also bring out your inner caregiver
  • Slower Pace: Mars’ fiery energy is tempered by Cancer’s water element, leading to a more cautious and reflective approach to actions and decisions
  • Focus on Home: This is a great time for home improvements, resolving family issues, and strengthening your emotional foundations?

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (September 17)

Mark your calendars, because the lunar eclipse on September 17 is about to send shockwaves through your emotional world. Occurring in mystical Pisces, this eclipse is set to reveal hidden truths and bring endings or culminations, especially in areas related to dreams, creativity, and emotional healing. If you’ve been avoiding something deep, this eclipse is like the universe shining a spotlight on it—no more hiding in the shadows


  • Emotional Revelation: This eclipse is likely to bring hidden emotions to the surface, offering deep personal insights and potentially leading to significant emotional breakthroughs
  • Endings & Closure: Eclipses often signify endings or culminations, and in Pisces, this might involve letting go of old dreams, habits, or emotional baggage
  • Spiritual Awakening: Pisces energy enhances intuition and spiritual awareness, making this a powerful time for inner reflection, meditation, and connecting with your spiritual side
  • Creative Inspiration: This eclipse could trigger a surge in creativity and imagination, perfect for artistic endeavors or exploring new creative outlets?

Autumn Equinox & Sun Enters Libra (September 22)

The scales tip towards balance on September 22 with the Autumn Equinox and the Sun entering Libra. This is your cosmic cue to seek harmony in all things—relationships, work, and your own inner world. Libra’s charming and diplomatic energy will have you craving connection and peace, making it a great time for mending fences and building bridges. Plus, with Venus moving into intense Scorpio on the same day, love and passion could reach transformative new heights.


  • Balance & Harmony: The Autumn Equinox represents a moment of balance between day and night, mirroring the Libra energy of harmony, fairness, and equilibrium in all aspects of life
  • Focus on Relationships: With the Sun entering Libra, the focus shifts to partnerships and social connections. This is a time to nurture relationships, seek compromise, and collaborate with others
  • New Beginnings: The equinox marks the start of a new season, encouraging fresh starts and setting intentions for the coming months, especially in areas related to beauty, art, and interpersonal dynamics
  • Reflective Energy: Libra’s influence encourages reflection on how well you balance different aspects of your life, from work and play to giving and receiving?

September Astro Vibe for All Signs

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This month, Aries, you’ll feel the push and pull of balancing work with personal life. The New Moon in Virgo on September 2 will urge you to organize your daily routines, making it an ideal time to refine your work habits. Mars moving into Cancer on September 4 could bring emotional intensity, particularly regarding home and family matters. Your natural drive may need to adapt to a more nurturing approach during this time. Expect a shift around the Autumn Equinox on September 22, where your focus might turn towards relationships and partnerships.

Lucky Days: 4, 10, 26

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, September brings a focus on creativity and pleasure, thanks to the New Moon in Virgo. This lunation highlights your zone of fun, romance, and hobbies. As Uranus goes retrograde in your sign on September 1, expect a slow-down in any sudden changes that have been occurring in your life. You’ll have time to reassess and refine these areas. The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 in Pisces will likely bring a culmination to a long-term goal or a project that’s close to your heart.

Lucky Days: 2, 14, 17

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

For Gemini, the start of September focuses on home and family due to the New Moon in Virgo on September 2. This is a good time to declutter and reorganize your living space. As Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Libra on September 26, communication becomes smooth and diplomatic, especially in your relationships. The Autumn Equinox might also encourage you to take a more balanced approach in your social interactions.

Lucky Days: 5, 19, 27

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, with Mars entering your sign on September 4, you’ll find yourself with increased energy and motivation, especially in matters related to personal growth and health. The New Moon in Virgo will support new learning or communication projects, making it a great time to start a course or write that book you’ve been thinking about. Watch for the Lunar Eclipse on September 17, which may bring a revelation or significant news regarding travel or education.

Lucky Days: 7, 11, 22

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

September brings financial focus for Leos, especially with the New Moon in Virgo on September 2, which highlights your earnings and values. You might find yourself reassessing your budget or considering new ways to increase income. Mars encourages you to focus on your emotional and spiritual well-being, urging you to take a step back from the spotlight to recharge. The Autumn Equinox will shift your attention to communication and learning.

Lucky Days: 3, 15, 20

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Happy Birthday, Virgo! The month begins with the New Moon in your sign on September 2, making it the perfect time to set personal intentions for the year ahead. Mars in Cancer will energize your social life, so don’t hesitate to connect with friends and networks. The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 in Pisces might bring changes in a significant relationship, offering clarity or closure.

Lucky Days: 2, 13, 18

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, the start of September is all about introspection, thanks to the New Moon in Virgo. This is a time to reflect on what you want to achieve in the coming months. The Autumn Equinox on September 22 brings your season, shifting your focus to personal goals and self-expression. Mercury enters your sign on September 26, making communication flow more easily, especially in negotiations or resolving conflicts.

Lucky Days: 6, 21, 26

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

For Scorpio, September is a time to focus on long-term goals and aspirations. The New Moon in Virgo on September 2 encourages you to network and set new professional goals. Mars, your co-ruler, moves into Cancer on September 4, bringing emotional intensity to your beliefs and possibly sparking a deep transformation. The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 may reveal hidden truths or bring endings that are necessary for your growth.

Lucky Days: 8, 12, 19

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, September kicks off with a career boost, as the New Moon in Virgo on September 2 lights up your professional sector. This is an excellent time to set new career goals or start a new job. With Mars in Cancer, your focus may shift towards deep emotional work, perhaps dealing with past wounds or financial matters related to others. The Autumn Equinox will see your focus shift towards social groups and your place within them.

Lucky Days: 9, 14, 25

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Virgo on September 2 energizes your desire for adventure and learning, making it a great time to plan travel or enroll in a new course. With Pluto retrograding back into your sign on September 1, old patterns or power struggles may resurface, giving you a final chance to transform these areas. The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 in Pisces might bring a significant realization about how you communicate and share your ideas.

Lucky Days: 1, 16, 24

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, September starts with a focus on transformation, particularly in shared resources and intimate relationships, due to the New Moon in Virgo on September 2. Uranus, your ruling planet, goes retrograde on September 1, slowing down changes related to your home and family life, giving you time to reassess these areas. The Autumn Equinox may bring a shift in your focus towards long-term goals and your place in the world.

Lucky Days: 4, 11, 29

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, the New Moon in Virgo on September 2 highlights your relationships, making it an ideal time to set new intentions in this area, whether it’s starting a new partnership or deepening an existing one. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on September 17 will bring personal revelations, possibly pushing you to let go of old identities or ways of being. With Mars in Cancer, creative pursuits and hobbies may also take on a new emotional depth.

Lucky Days: 2, 10, 17

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