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Your Weekly Horoscope 16-22 of September

Prepare for a tidal wave of emotions and intuition! This week, the Full Moon in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17, takes center stage. It’s time to dive deep into your emotional world, offering the perfect opportunity to release old baggage and heal lingering wounds. This lunar event heightens creativity and spirituality, so trust your gut instincts and let your imagination soar. Let’s explore how this magical energy will affect your sign!

weekly horoscope 16-22 september

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, slow your roll! The Full Moon in Pisces is shining a big ol’ spotlight on your dreams and subconscious. You’ve been charging full speed ahead, but this week, the universe is asking you to pause and reflect. You might feel like you’re swimming in a sea of emotions, and guess what? That’s okay. Take a break, get cozy, and do a little soul searching. By the weekend, you’ll be back in action, refreshed and recharged.

Tip of the Week: Sometimes the best way forward is to stop and feel your way through it. Get in touch with those deep feels!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You’re feeling all the feels, Taurus! The Full Moon in Pisces is lighting up your social sector, but this isn’t your typical “let’s party” vibe. Instead, you’re diving deep into your friendships and connections, figuring out who’s really there for you. You might need to let go of those who aren’t vibing with your higher self anymore. By the weekend, you’ll be ready to surround yourself with your true tribe.

Tip of the Week: It’s okay to cut off those emotional energy vampires. Protect your peace!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, dreams are the theme, but not just the nighttime ones. The Full Moon in Pisces is highlighting your career and big-picture goals, and it’s asking you to follow your heart instead of just your head. This is your cosmic nudge to check if what you’re doing actually feels right. Midweek, you may need a little alone time to recharge those busy twin batteries. By the weekend, though, you’ll be ready to socialize.

Tip of the Week: Sometimes, logic isn’t the answer. Follow your gut and see where it leads!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Prepare for a spiritual glow-up, Cancer! The Full Moon in Pisces is pouring light into your ninth house of wisdom and higher learning. This is the perfect time to explore your spiritual side, whether it’s through meditation, journaling, or just daydreaming. You’re being asked to expand your mind and let your intuition guide you to the next step in your journey. Trust yourself—you’ve got this!

Tip of the Week: Step out of your shell and explore something new. Let your imagination lead the way!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Time to get real, Leo! The Full Moon in Pisces is shining a light on your deepest fears and desires. This week, it’s all about shedding emotional baggage and letting go of what’s no longer serving you. Yes, even Leos need to release sometimes! You’re used to shining bright, but now it’s time to dig deep and do some emotional housekeeping. By the weekend, you’ll be feeling lighter and ready to roar again.

Tip of the Week: Vulnerability is strength, darling. Let it out and let it go!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It’s all about love, Virgo—well, relationships, to be precise. The Full Moon in Pisces is turning the spotlight on your partnerships. Whether it’s romantic, work-related, or with your bestie, this week’s lunar energy will have you reflecting on your closest connections. Are you getting what you need? Are they? Midweek, you’ll have some serious clarity about what’s working and what isn’t. It’s time to make those relationship decisions you’ve been avoiding.

Tip of the Week: Don’t overanalyze (yes, you!). Feel your way through this one—your heart knows what’s up.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Time to declutter your life, Libra! The Full Moon in Pisces is shining its magical light on your wellness and routine. This week, you’re all about balance (obviously), but now it’s less about harmony with others and more about how you’re taking care of yourself. Are you overwhelmed? This Full Moon is asking you to hit the reset button and focus on your emotional and physical well-being. A little self-care goes a long way!

Tip of the Week: You can’t pour from an empty cup, babe. Prioritize YOU this week.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Get ready for a creative breakthrough, Scorpio! The Full Moon in Pisces is stirring up your fifth house of creativity and fun, so it’s time to let loose and express yourself. Whether you’re diving into a passion project or simply letting your inner child come out to play, this week’s energy is all about finding joy and letting your imagination run wild. By the weekend, you’ll be brimming with inspiration.

Tip of the Week: Don’t be afraid to be a little weird. Your creativity is your superpower—use it!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Home is where the heart is this week, Sag. The Full Moon in Pisces is lighting up your domestic sector, so you might find yourself craving a little nesting time. Whether it’s redecorating, having a heart-to-heart with family, or just spending some quiet time in your sanctuary, this week is all about emotional grounding. You’re always chasing adventure, but sometimes, peace is the ultimate escape.

Tip of the Week: Take a breather from the outside world and recharge your emotional batteries at home.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Time to talk it out, Capricorn. The Full Moon in Pisces is illuminating your communication zone, making this the perfect week to have those deep, meaningful conversations. You might finally get the clarity you need from a situation that’s been weighing on your mind. Don’t shy away from speaking your truth, even if it feels a little raw. By the weekend, you’ll be feeling mentally lighter and more focused.

Tip of the Week: Speak up and clear the air—honesty will set you free this week!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Time to check in with your wallet, Aquarius. The Full Moon in Pisces is giving you a reality check when it comes to your finances. Are you spending in alignment with your values, or are those impulse buys adding up? This week is perfect for setting financial boundaries and planning for the future. Don’t worry—your dreamer spirit won’t be stifled by a little practicality!

Tip of the Week: Financial freedom is the real glow-up. Plan now so you can play later!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This is YOUR Full Moon, Pisces! You’re soaking up all the emotional, creative, and intuitive vibes this week as the Full Moon beams directly on you. It’s your moment to shine, reflect, and let go of any emotional baggage that’s been weighing you down. This is a major time of personal growth and healing, so trust the process and follow your instincts. By the weekend, you’ll feel lighter and more aligned with your true self.

Tip of the Week: Let your intuition guide you—no one knows your path better than you!

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